It has been a strange, strange year, 2020. And it isn’t likely to end anytime soon, never mind that 31st December will be upon us before we know it. Still, now that most of us, no matter where in the world we live, have experienced at least six months of a life very, very different to the one we knew and took for granted, it seems like a good time to look back and take stock of what has popularly come to be known as annus horribilis – Latin for ‘horrible year’.
KEEP READINGBe associated with the satsang. There are good people here. You can interact with them, listen to good things, understand good things and no body will put you into trouble. Let your mind delight in the present memory, in the present scope, in the present interaction. This is the way of setting right your aggrieved mind.
KEEP READING“When you move in the world of senses, free from attachment and aversion alike, there comes peace in which all sorrows end, and you live in the wisdom of the Self.”