Bharat Wakhlu

Swamiji’s Magnificent Intention

|by Global Gita |Comments Off on Swamiji’s Magnificent Intention | Blog | , , , ,

I spent the 23rd of February 2013 in Jamshedpur – India’s first planned city, which is named after the visionary founder of the House of Tata, Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata. 
Two significant things about being in Jamshedpur made our stay there especially memorable and contributed to our growth and spiritual transformation.  The first was the realization that the vibrant, bustling city – which had originally been built by Tata Steel in the early part of the twentieth century – was a thriving tribute to the vision of Jamsetji Tata. The second, was getting to know Poojya Swamiji, Mā, and Nutan Swamiji.